Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ted and I finally published our first book, "My Boy, Jesus:  Joseph's Story".  Ted wrote the story and I illustrated it. It can be purchased online at Trafford, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.  It is available in soft cover and E-books.  Thanks to everyone who kept encouraging us to do this until it came to fruition!
I have included the illustrations here.

"Joseph, Telling His Story"

"Mary, Joseph's Beloved"
"The Betrothal"
"Going for a Walk to Talk"
"Joseph's Grief"
"After the Angel's visit"
"The Baby Grows"
"The Trip to Bethlehem"
"No Room at the Inn"
"It's Time!"
"Joseph and Jesus"

"Shepherds Came"

"Kings from Eastern Lands"

"Learning the Trade"


"At the Temple"

"Return to Find Jesus"
"The Death of Joseph"
"Heavenly Reunion"

"True Sights and Sounds"
Go to www.myboyjesus.com