Tuesday, October 9, 2012


 I am taking a basic photography class in Brigham City with instructor, Barry Parsons.  Here are my 5 best photographs regarding each assignment.

ASSIGNMENT 1:  Things I am interested in.  Look for interesting color.

ASSIGNMENT 2:  Abstract.  Looking for interesting shapes and color

ASSIGNMENT 3:  Motion.  Learn to use the shutter speed.


ASSIGNMENT 4:  Portrait.  Pay attention to colors, shapes, background, and pose.


ASSIGNMENT 5:  Self-Portrait.  Pay attention to colors, shapes, background, and pose.  

ASSIGNMENT 6:  Color.  Shoot the best composition of color you can find


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ART 4200--Spring Semester

I returned to school at USU  in 2008 after a 25 year absence.  I'm working on my BFA degree and teaching certificate so that I can continue doing what I love doing--teaching Art!  I've been teaching throughout the Cache County School District for the past 17 years--uncertified.  I'm back to get my certification and complete my degree in Secondary Art Education with an emphasis in Drawing and Painting. This semester in ART 4200 my assignment was to choose a project to work on.  I chose Pixelation.  My hope is that I'll find some direction in my art that is successful and satisfying.  Here are the results of that choice.

"Albert Einstein Circled"
A study of light and shadow through a dot matrix 

"Albert Einstein Squared"
Inspired by the work of Banksy.  Thought I'd try it on a flat surface.

"Mother Teresa Circled"
Applying color to dark and light values

"Mother Teresa Cubed"
Inspired by the work of Jennifer Bartlett.  
"Mother Teresa Fingerprinted"
My fingerprint and a stamp pad in an 8-step value 


"Pixelated Venus de Milo"
Use of patterns to create the light to dark values, incorporating symbols and text for meaning.  This is my favorite piece from this project.  I want to further pursue the concepts and techniques here.

"Taj Mahal in 444 Ratios"
Study in how the colors are created to blend visually in a pixelized digital photo and how to interpret that information through mixing hues in watercolor.  Each pixel is a mathematical ratio of how to make that specific color, each color being a blend of the colors surrounding it.  The amount of water used also plays an important role in each ratio. 

"Taj Mahal in 9 pixels"
Study of color relationships and how to create a visual image within the pixel without adding or subtracting any additional color to or from the pixel.  The techniques used simply divide the color already there.  
Close-up of Spires
Alcohol and Q-tip

Close-up of Terraces

Close-up of Water
Ice Melt

Close-up of top of Spires
Alcohol and Q-tip

Closeup of Center Minaret
Plastic Wrap

"3D Cutout of Venus de Milo"
Combination of light to dark card-stock cutouts layered to create dimension and  texture

Close-up of head and chest

Close-up of forward knee and leg

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ted and I finally published our first book, "My Boy, Jesus:  Joseph's Story".  Ted wrote the story and I illustrated it. It can be purchased online at Trafford, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.  It is available in soft cover and E-books.  Thanks to everyone who kept encouraging us to do this until it came to fruition!
I have included the illustrations here.

"Joseph, Telling His Story"

"Mary, Joseph's Beloved"
"The Betrothal"
"Going for a Walk to Talk"
"Joseph's Grief"
"After the Angel's visit"
"The Baby Grows"
"The Trip to Bethlehem"
"No Room at the Inn"
"It's Time!"
"Joseph and Jesus"

"Shepherds Came"

"Kings from Eastern Lands"

"Learning the Trade"


"At the Temple"

"Return to Find Jesus"
"The Death of Joseph"
"Heavenly Reunion"

"True Sights and Sounds"
Go to www.myboyjesus.com