Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ART 4200--Spring Semester

I returned to school at USU  in 2008 after a 25 year absence.  I'm working on my BFA degree and teaching certificate so that I can continue doing what I love doing--teaching Art!  I've been teaching throughout the Cache County School District for the past 17 years--uncertified.  I'm back to get my certification and complete my degree in Secondary Art Education with an emphasis in Drawing and Painting. This semester in ART 4200 my assignment was to choose a project to work on.  I chose Pixelation.  My hope is that I'll find some direction in my art that is successful and satisfying.  Here are the results of that choice.

"Albert Einstein Circled"
A study of light and shadow through a dot matrix 

"Albert Einstein Squared"
Inspired by the work of Banksy.  Thought I'd try it on a flat surface.

"Mother Teresa Circled"
Applying color to dark and light values

"Mother Teresa Cubed"
Inspired by the work of Jennifer Bartlett.  
"Mother Teresa Fingerprinted"
My fingerprint and a stamp pad in an 8-step value 


"Pixelated Venus de Milo"
Use of patterns to create the light to dark values, incorporating symbols and text for meaning.  This is my favorite piece from this project.  I want to further pursue the concepts and techniques here.

"Taj Mahal in 444 Ratios"
Study in how the colors are created to blend visually in a pixelized digital photo and how to interpret that information through mixing hues in watercolor.  Each pixel is a mathematical ratio of how to make that specific color, each color being a blend of the colors surrounding it.  The amount of water used also plays an important role in each ratio. 

"Taj Mahal in 9 pixels"
Study of color relationships and how to create a visual image within the pixel without adding or subtracting any additional color to or from the pixel.  The techniques used simply divide the color already there.  
Close-up of Spires
Alcohol and Q-tip

Close-up of Terraces

Close-up of Water
Ice Melt

Close-up of top of Spires
Alcohol and Q-tip

Closeup of Center Minaret
Plastic Wrap

"3D Cutout of Venus de Milo"
Combination of light to dark card-stock cutouts layered to create dimension and  texture

Close-up of head and chest

Close-up of forward knee and leg

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